Visit Decades, a destination blending nostalgia & amusement in the heart of Lancaster, PA.
We are located at 438 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA, within walking distance of the Lancaster Arts Hotel, the Holiday Inn Lancaster, and the Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center.
Decades is a 45 game retro arcade, boutique bowling alley, full restaurant, and curated bar in the historic Stahr Armory building situated within the heart of Lancaster City. Created by three childhood friends, Decades evokes nostalgia in a welcoming environment combining elevated class with casual fun. We can’t wait to host you!
Let’s Book Your Experience
Exclusive Tour Group Experience Package at Decades
2 Hours
Offered Wednesday/Thursday/Friday with limited full-venue availability on Monday and Tuesday
$45/person (min. 20 guests)
Package includes:
Unlimited tokens for retro arcade games for duration of event
2 bowling lanes for duration of the event
A delicious catered buffet of food
Non-alcoholic beverages including soft drinks and water
A semi-private space for your group
Alcoholic beverages will be available at an additional cost for the guest
Notes Before Filling Out Form
Filling out this below form does not guarantee a booked event. It begins the booking process discussion.
Type GROUP2024 in the additional information section of the form to get the exclusive group rate and package as we look at the possibility of hosting your group!
Have questions? Reach out to and we can help you!